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Lawrence-Nelson Schools Home of the Raiders!

South Central USD 5



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Lawrence/Nelson Looks to Replace Marquee

The electronic marque is in the process of being ordered, but don't worry, it is not too late to help with the cost of this!  The booster club is asking for donations to help defray expenses associated with the cost of the marque.  Businesses or individuals who have already donated are:  the Nelson Iron Pile ($2,000), the Mark Utecht Memorial ($1,000), and Russ Snyder ($500).  Together, these groups/individuals have generously donated $3,500 towards the electronic marque at the front of the L/N High School that we are looking to install this spring.  The cost of the marque before electrical work and labor is $11,500, which means that we have $8,000 left to raise.  The Raider Den is also going to help with this expense, and donations are still being accepted in the amounts of $500, $1000 and $1500.  All donating parties will be listed on a plaque on the marque in front of the school.  The L/N Booster Club is sponsoring this project, and would appreciate any financial contributions the public would like to make.​

Pictured here is the existing marque (which will be taken out as soon as the ground is not frozen) and on the right is what the new marque will look like (without the landscaping or proper placement).                 


If this is too much for you or your business to donate, please consider helping with the cost of the landscaping project that Mrs. Ely and her horticulture students will be doing in the way of labor, plants, or other landscaping requirements.  If you can help with this, please contact Dana Epley at the school at 402.225.3371 or 402.756.7013, or email her at depley@southcentralunified.org.​  Mrs. Ely's class has worked on designing the landscape, and will be building a small retaining wall, and planting all of the flowers, and could use any physical or financial assistance from the community!  The group plans to have a "work day" in the spring to finish up the project.